Productline by Creative. Portable music players which are similar to but not equal to the ever too popular iPod.
Dude, i just got my Creative Zen Micro. This badass toy piledrives your iPod Mini into the sewer gutter any day! No joke, bra.
by Greg Cole March 28, 2005
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Noun. Used in computer programming to refer to a sudden flash of insight, usually regarding a problem, and how to fix it.

Faster version of glark, and it usually sends one well on their way to grokking something.

A paradigm shift.
"I was this close to giving up, but then I got a zen"
by NuclearConfusion July 5, 2006
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like an ipod, but cheaper, better made, more comfortable, easier to use and with better features
your ipod sucks. get a zen
by jimmy45 June 28, 2007
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A state of mind in which one is calm and impassive and does not betray their true emotions. Nothing phases one who is zen.
Erica: Hey Jackie, do you wanna go the mall today?
Jackie *being zen but not rude*: Whatever.
Erica: So is that a yeah?
Jackie: Thats cool.
Erica *losing her cool and thus any sense of zen*: ??????
by Settit November 10, 2008
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Selftitled most-handsome boy on the world... wait... in the universe
"I am Zen. I am handsome!"
by hisokascock October 28, 2017
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“Damn that guys a total Zen
by Urmomgayasf672 January 12, 2022
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