It's a game for two people at a time. The players take turns saying "I like you" or "I love you" or practically anything flirtatious until the other blushes. The one to blush losses.
I love the I like you game. It's great to play with my friends
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When you contact someone you haven't seen in a long time, and they will typically say "I miss you! We should hang out!/Lets meet up sometime!" However, when you go to make plans or contact them again. They never respond back or claim they are busy during that time.
Girl 1: Hey, haven't seen you since last day of school!
Girl 2: Aww yeah! I miss you so much! We should hang out :)
Girl 1: Cool lets make plans :D
Girl 2: *Never responds back*

- or -

Girl 2: I'm busy that day. *No further explanation*

Those are the two typical scenarios of the "I miss you!" Game.
by ClaireLyons August 8, 2011
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A word usually heard from 6 year olds playing gorilla tag.
An idiot: Do you want to play mini games?
A gorilla tag player who has a brain:SHUT UP NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY MINI GAMES.
by Helloijustamhere September 11, 2022
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A game you play with a group of friends, where the objective is to take turns pointing at random people and screaming “YOU!” just to see their reactions.
I was playing the “you” game with my friends last night. Omg it was so funny.
by Buttstallion8008 August 11, 2020
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