"Is it cool with you?"
"Word, I can uff with it."
"I don't uff with that ish."
by pariscore December 20, 2002
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Its just a noise like when you get punched UFF UFF or it just means your being stupid
boy: hey uff uff
girl: dont be mean
boy: Uff Uff
by GoonToAGooblin March 18, 2010
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Expression uff yaa comes from the cheating community in eSports games (such as Counter Strike). Dating back to year 2009, uff yaa has became a commonly used expression in the HvH (hacker vs. hacker) scene in a video game called Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Expression was used publicly for the first time in 2009 by a Kroatisch Counter-Strike player, root, who started selling his cheat under the moto "We can and we will, uff yaa $"
/* Example in a chat */
Person 1: dude we dropped his ass like a waterslide
Person 2: uff yaa $
by skrrt November 26, 2016
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The stretch marks that appear on a woman's t-shirt between her breasts. In order for this grossly underappreciated phenomenon to occur, the perfect ratio of breast shape, breast firmness and shirt tightness needs to be achieved.
Hey Debbie, I'm digging on your uff marks.
by JeremySoRad February 8, 2006
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A multi use exclaimation.
Comes from immigrants from Scandinavia during the early part of the 20th century. If you are surprised you say "Uff da", if you are disgusted you say "Uff da", over worked? "Uff da"
by Claire A Eide January 19, 2004
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A slang word that originated from Scandinavia, and is popularly used by people of Westby, Wisconsin to describe everything, since our town was settled by Norwegians and we even have a freaking "Uff da Mart"
"Uff da I dropped my pencil"
"Uff da I failed my test"
"Uff da I just fell"
"Uff da I like that boy"
by blink-182poop August 14, 2012
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One of those international exclamations that have made it to areas where there is some Scandinavian populations. It can express joy, frustration, bewilderment, etc.

The term Uff Da! can be found on many items at a Scandinavian shop - such as coffee mugs, license plate frames, etc.

It is an analogue of such words in other languages as "oy vey" or "carumba."

In Norway, Charlie Brown says, "Uff Da!" instead of "Good grief!"
Lars: The government is going to audit my income tax!
Henrik: Uff Da!

Thor: Did you see that hottie over there?
Leffe: Uff Da!

Henrik: Can you believe that Norway is only 100 years old this year?
Roar: Uff Da!
by Leif May 18, 2005
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