Truther is someone who is not called a Liar but is also not telling the truth
Josh: "You started the fight"
Drake: "You Calling me a Liar"
Josh: "I aint calling you a Truther"
by Stevie Wondrhkktrhhtj March 18, 2018
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You know how people try to say your a liar but really you telling the truth so your a truther
Jake : homie you a liar you didnt smash keisha

Tyrone: homie I'm not lying, I'm being a truther I did smash
by BigDaddyTL June 1, 2018
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One who tells the truth. Often referred to as self in response of being called a lier.
"Your such a liar Craig! Barack Obama is NOT the Anti-Christ!"
"Fuck you Eric I'm a truther! Don't you watch Fox News??"

LOLZ. Fox News.
by Pennywise 382 July 12, 2011
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A person who always tells the truth no matter what.
George Washington: "i cannot tell a lie, making me a truther."
by artzygrl January 4, 2010
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Instead of being a bad liar, she was a bad truther, because she acted like she was lying when she was really telling the truth.
by a.personally.bad.truther November 30, 2009
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when some isn't a 'liar' , and they tell the truth all the time , especially at that moment.
Tristen: Why do you keep lying to me?(;
Maddy: Im not, im a truther (:
by MADDYISASEXYBEAST<3 December 18, 2011
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