The Hottest Man Ever!!!!!!!!!!
He Is Amazing!!!!!!!
He's Not Shy, He's Just Buff!!!!!!!!
If You Don't Like Him, You Can Suck His Huge Ass Penis!!!!!
Person 1: Have You Ever Heard Of Shia Labeouf?
Person 2: Of Course I Have. Shia Labeouf Is A Saint!!!!
by Natalie Labeouf May 22, 2008
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A 23 year old kid,who has the perfect combination of a cute face,a hot body and a sexy atmosphere.<3

He's known for his lead roles in thrillers like Disturbia(Kale Brecht),Transformers 1 and 2(Sam Witwicky),and Eagle Eye(Jerry/Ethan Shaw).

He is an ex-disney star and starred in the Even Stevens movie,Tru Confessions,Hounded and The Christmas Path.

His characters are neurotic and he always looks 4 years younger than his actual age.

Often rumours of his hook-ups with co-stars are publicised,but in reality he's dated only a few women-
China Brezner and Carey Mulligan(confirmed).

He has a lot of crazy fans and is often compared to robert pattinson ,but that shouldn't be done because Shia is such a great actor in his own way,but he's also a tiny pervert and his movies are better than Robs',anyday.

Other than acting,he plays the drums and drinks arizona iced tea with ginseng and honey.He likes rap music and has directed a video for his favourite rapper,Cage called "i never knew you".

He's Jewish and he says the best day of his life was the day his Bar Mitzvah took place.

"Shia LaBeouf" means "praise GOD for beef"!!
Shia LaBeouf is the dream fantasy lover for any girl who likes curly dark hair and adorable kitty eyes.
I can't stop downloading Shia LaBeouf wallpapers.

me:*to a Shia picture* I love you I love you I love you so much,but you live halfway around the world and you're 9 years older than me!
by iHEARTshialabeouf December 26, 2009
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1. Hey! That guy is a total Shia Labeouf!

2. Shia Labeouf!

3. Shia Labeouf is a Shia Labeouf.

4. Shia Labeouf's parents are Shia Labeoufs for giving him such a hard ass name to spell twenty times over!
by Lorelai Parker November 5, 2009
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u guys are dumb if you think he's not kewl. i forget what his name supposed to mean in some other language but i think it's like god praise the beef or something. now if having a name that means that isn't kewl, well then i don't know what is.
I would gladly let the aliens take me away if they all looked like shia labeouf.
by krusty fordola October 9, 2003
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Stuttering. Just like Shia LeBeouf in the Transformers series.
That guy was Shia-LaBeoufing when he talked.
by I'm from Hong Kong! August 26, 2014
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