In Denmark "Ruca" is a gang from a city called Egtved. It is a gang of the hottest and most handsom men in Denmark. Often members in "Ruca" has a lot of moneys, and wear designer clothes.
Oh man I wish I could be a member of Ruca, they are hust so cool.
by Dahlskov December 21, 2017
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Spooning, feeling the warmth of her soft warm breasts against my back, I remained in ruca, drifting in and out of sleep for what seemed like hours, feeling unlike I had ever felt before and wondering if this warmth was love, wondering if this person beside me was really a person or just a dream.
by ultrahealth September 30, 2007
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that india chick from cc
hey that girl eve is my ruca
by soopafly August 2, 2004
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Rucas are a Disney channel couple that are so cute😍😍
by Riverdaleloverlol December 4, 2017
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A name typically used for someone who sits alone in their room, smoking weed. Is also a synonym for "gay".

The term "Ruca" was coined in 2005, during the Great Depression of Retards. They are usually known for having a notably high sex drive, little to no friends, exceptionally small genitalia, and excessive use of words such as cunt, nigger, and fuck.
Damn, I had to talk to Ruca today. I could smell the weed on his breath.

Stupid Rucas'. They're everywhere now.
by pls don't reject August 22, 2019
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