A poopa pouncer is someone who engages in the delivery of anal sex.
John likes to screw Betty in the ass when she's had a few drinks. She thinks he's a real poopa pouncer.
by Copyright Chaos March 16, 2006
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AKA "Ploop" or "Plooper", meaning a kid that likes men and feet. Can usually be found in his natural habitat "noobing". He also can be found singing "I got mad skills and I cannot lie, mad skills that I can't deny" or "Cause you don't got that dodgability factor!". Also has an obsession with the name "Matthew", which might be related to his homosexuality. Do not anger the poopa loopa, he becomes cranky easily, especially when he is noobing.
That gay kid likes feet, he is such a poopa loopa.
by The King of Noobing March 24, 2011
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The vein in a shrimp that the poop flows through
Don't eat that shrimp! It still has the poopa la-vein in it!
by Stample June 23, 2006
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Telling someone to "Kiss my Ass" but to the next level.
Some douche said my clobber was shite, so I told him to Lick my Poopa Rimboy!
by gavs October 26, 2017
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someone who dosent flush after pooping.
dam poopa traitor dident even put down the seat.
by dictionary 90210 September 3, 2010
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a more modern term for a manure picker-up-era
DUDE 1: I f***ed your girlfriend last night
DUDE 2: Thats it your dead, -picks up a manure picker-up-era
by Roxas1139 October 1, 2011
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When shit is smudged all over your face. Or when you touch shit and enjoy it.
Person1: You put your hand in the poopa.
Person2 : No, you put your hand in the poopa.
by 69420JMJM August 24, 2022
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