A sound made when a person is irritated
Arghs i am so irritated
by Tanya Chan July 14, 2009
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expression used to clasify the look on a constipated baby's face
'look at the argh on that little constipated baby'
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A grunt. Often used when beaten at Yahoo Pool. Of course, only pathetic people ever play Yahoo Pool. Retards.
Mr Bobkins: Hahaha, I win again at Yahoo Pool. I'm really sad and I play Yahoo Pool because it stimulates my anus like nothing else does.
Mr Redassmong: Argh.
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abbreviation for "all right, gary's home.", also sound a made by someone to show lack of language skills when frustrated.
Often confused with the sound a pirate makes, but spelled with less g's and h's
"ARGH!", "Ok mom, we'll get Gary some cheese!"
"ARGH I wish ah new more werdz, it's a might bit perplexing!"
by purple hippo January 11, 2008
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Youre a damn chicken! Argh! And your children are fucking ugly!
by dis tall guy November 18, 2003
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Used to describe anything pleasureable, especially when it comes to creating a DVD or train running yamfest on a skank bobbin ho.
Ass Blaster: Yo, you tryna take a ride on that YES train!
Savage: Argh...!
by The one and only May 10, 2005
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