person 1 i just did a backflip off of a 10 story building nbd
person 2 how tf are you still alive
by hehehehehehesksksksksksk February 12, 2019
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Does any of this mean that catching Kavanaugh in a lie would be NBD? Not at all. A falsehood, material or not, purposeful or not, provided as testimony before the Senate is seriously troubling.
by scott888 October 2, 2018
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1. An expression of forgiveness, "no big deal", found sometimes in video games where someone has done damage.

2. Trying to tell a raging person to be quiet, to settle down.
<player 1> Sorry i shot you.

<player 2> NBD. I was in your way, anyways.
by u2forever July 19, 2011
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short for "No Big Deal!" when talking (not necesarily online, say NBDNoBigDeal. all smooshed together like that. possibly in a sarcastic manner.
1. A. Omigosh! i cannot believe i forgot my paper at home
B. Dont even worry about it. NBD. No Big.

2. okay so i ran 8 miles at track today NBD, no big deal. (sarcastic tone)
by Megan! March 23, 2005
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never been done. opposite of ABD (already been done)

popular in forum culture
by epicly lally'd August 29, 2006
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No Big Deal; If something happends and its not a big deal.
"Yeah its nbD to me, Enemy Territories"
by Logan.G aka trnx March 27, 2007
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