He has 23,700 results on Hebrew google, and 298 English ones.
He is a composer.
He's a writer.
He is a guitarist.
He's a lover.
He was a drug addicted bar hopping clubber.
He now works in a grocery and takes long relaxing walks.
The Famous Itai Matos is a world famous poet!
by morgan moom September 17, 2008
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referring to a penis with a big head and long skinny shaft
That boy has a mato on a cane pole
by carriekid1 September 3, 2010
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A Word used to describe the most handsome, amazing, people on the planet.
Person A: "I admire Bill Gates so Much"
Person B: "Yeah he's such a Matos"
by Griffinshadow September 18, 2020
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Boy 1 -Did you see Elias outfit today?
Boy 2- Yea he had a mato fit today
by potatoseed47 September 27, 2023
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guy 1: who is that girl never seen her before
guy 2: she's mato
by chingtungma May 11, 2020
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Matos means stuff you need to carry an activity whatever the hell that’d be.
It’s a french word and so it’s spread out in all french speaking countries.

My personal favorite use of this word is what is referred to in english as “Stash” and other things. I use Matos to refer to all the shit I use when I’m about to roll a joint (rolling paper, weed, roller, filter, cigarettes ... )
These fellas outdoors and they better not have forgotten their Matos.

Sarah: Tell me you didn’t forget the Matos.

Sam: Fuck ! I knew I forgot something when I left home.

Sarah: Guess we ain’t getting high today :/
by rez_lompardist May 5, 2021
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