1) A bright orange water-based paint made by Citadel Miniatures/Games Workshop, for painting grotesque fantasy war-gaming lead figures with.

2) A bright orange preparation used by low-rent ladies for painting their grotesque bodies with, in the belief that it makes them look suntanned and more attractive.
I was shagging this chav bird in the bogs at Diamond's last night, and her Hobgoblin Orange rubbed off all over me cock and bollocks!
by Locoenelcoco August 25, 2009
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Derogatory term for someone who sucks or frequents shitty establishments...such as a White Stripes show, or someone's rectum..
"What the hell were you thinking..wearing a sweater vest and listening to emo...you Bung Hobgoblin!"

also see Rectal Gnome
by Scurvy Bird December 11, 2003
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Considered an artform, hobgoblin-ing is the process by which a fake social congregation intending to rendezvous at an unpopular pub is invented promising the presence of a Phil Andrews or any given ginger, who is currently out of the country. Only the most reclusive and gullible individuals of a social group will actually ask when or actually turn up to the event, which they later find to be non-existent. The said individual is said to be Hobgoblin'd - laughter at the idiot's expense ensues.

The origins stem from the Great Hobgoblin'ing of 2009, in which the social-phobic Glassy asked what time to turn up to a non-existent gathering at the Hobgoblin pub.
Glassy - Hi guys! What time is everyone getting to the Hobgoblin for?

by Free Mansons October 15, 2010
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Someone who does not use proper etiquette when giving a gentalman oral pleasure.
Dude Betty is such a whore. John said she sucked his dick like a Knob Gobblin' Hobgoblin
by GramLovesHam December 28, 2016
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Oral sex for a man, when a women uses the combination of sucking licking blowing and other acts to please a man, most times ending with the discharge of sperm.
John got a Slob Gobblin Hobgoblin from Stacy after prom. To bad Stacy has AIDS.
by lkelly845 April 25, 2010
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The name for a complex anthurium hybrid being sold by Jay Vaninni(A. luxurians x A. dressleri) x A. dressleri. Despite variation in traits among seedlings, this name has been added to justify charging $2000 each for this small plant.
It would be a shame if Marvel were to sue Jay Vannini for copyright infringement for using their character name hobgoblin to boost his product sale.
by trunks forbes July 26, 2022
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Joe: “Oh! There’s Alex.”
John: “That mans is just a hobgoblin with a crusty butt.”
by TheSwampassMonster November 20, 2019
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