Cool or great, particularly when pertaining to food. From the Hungarian word "Gastrick" meaning delicious meal
"I just ate six burritos"
"That's super gastric, yo"
by GreekYogurtPics February 25, 2019
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When you get the atomic runs so bad you literally spend half the night on the shitter
Yo dude I had a gastric exorcism after eating Taco Bell!”
by WonderBlox October 15, 2023
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March 18th. The Day After. Especially on college campuses.
Frank asked his prof to bump his midterm back to "man, just any day but Saint Gastric's Day."
by stanleykowalski March 18, 2013
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The level to which a person can clear the immediate vicinity using only their asshole.
John ripped one during class yesterday. It cleared the room because he has a high gastric influence.
by Rachel.young May 10, 2022
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