Breanna is Someone who is amazing, beautiful, intelligent, sexy, harmless, caring, well to be honest really shes indescribable, words can’t begin to explain. She’s almost always the one who gets hurt but is made out to be the one who hurts everyone, she hides the pain and doesn’t like anyone knowing she’s upset or that something isn’t right but if anyone is ever upset she’s always the most caring on even if they are a complete stranger. She’s loving, caring & damn right amazing in bed.
She is beyond words & someone that absolutely everyone wishes to be with or know
I wish I could find myself a Breanna one day
by Jai93 November 6, 2019
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A beautiful, young girl. She will do anything to make her friends happy. She can be a bit sassy and rude sometimes, but in her heart she is the best.
Guy 1: Did you see Breanna today
Guy 2: Yeah she was mean to me
Guy 3: Only because she wanted to help her friend when you were bullying her
by Lul Ripley April 17, 2018
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A beautiful, athletic girl. Often makes friends easily and is very polite. Though sometimes afraid of change she is always excited and often ready ready for anything, Guys in relationships with a Breanna are often thought of as the luckiest guys in the world.
Man, datin' Breanna?
'Yeah man!'
"Gah You're so lucky, shes the greatest, dude!"
by Luckiest Man February 5, 2010
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The most beautiful girl ever. She is sexy and hot. She's a very successful person in life. She doesn't let anybody tell her who she is. She has the definition of true beauty. If you get the chance to date a Breanna, don't let her go. She has flaws, but she embraces them. She will amaze you so much with her beauty. She is almost perfect. She is beautiful from the inside and outside. she is so gorgeous...its unreal.
Friend-who are you dating?

Guy-im dating a BREANNA, so so hot & sexy. You should date a BREANNA too. Their very rare to find though.

Friend-Dam, you are so lucky man.
by bitchesaredumb293 December 18, 2011
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Sexiest, nicest, coolest, most amazing girl who has ever lived.
Damn, BreAnna is fucking amazing!
by johnybravo666 July 20, 2011
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The bestest MOFO friend a girl could evaaa have!
Damn, i wish i had a Breanna!
by Karisaaaa November 11, 2008
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The most perfect and amazing girl a man could get. She is worht the wait and you will be the happiest you have been when you finally get her. She is funny, nice and looking her best, she is the most beautiful girl you will know. A Girl you will fall in love with and think about her all the time. Hanging out with her is the best part of anyday even if you just drive around. But she is stubborn when it comes to arguments but you will still love her. a perfect 10.
Girl: Geez how can you be dating breanna, she is a 10 and you arent.
Guy: im just lucky
by Doctor Drold January 21, 2012
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