past tensed of gang bang!!
Also to fuck a chick in the ass, pussy,mouth,ears at the same time
The cripts gang banged that chick and she died
by osamma June 11, 2008
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A gang-bang is a sex-act where five or more guys take turns spit-roast-deluxe-ing another willing dude.
I got gang-banged today just because I got a boner in the cadet showers!
by USAF Cadet February 6, 2021
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Multiple men having sex with a woman/man one after the other..
"Come over to Mary's tonight..She's having a gang banging and she loves lots of men.".
by Leeisready October 17, 2017
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A slang term for "pair programming" or "working together", typically related to computers. When a pair of programmers pair up and bang out some code.

One person will write the code while the other reviews/observes/writes the test. After some time, the pair will switch roles.
"Hey man, you want to gang bang the implementation of the service with the data access layer? It might be easier if we work on it together."
by smack000 December 17, 2014
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Where numerous people have sex with eachother
"That gang bang was mint, leo, jake, molly and macy all had it going on"
by FriendlyFish January 2, 2017
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a group of people who repeatedly bang their uglies together to form a 'group orgy'
your mum is so old she used to do gang bangs with the hebrews
by Anusia November 4, 2007
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When a more than 4 people otherwise known as a gang have sex
marena chis angie and tonie heh
by unkown November 17, 2002
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