block that bitch. a suggested action when people post retarded facebook statuses.
God she keeps posting idiotic statuses.
Damn dude. You should BTB!
by Paradox9001 June 6, 2011
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Bitch Tits Boy- a word used to describe a fat or obese guy with man boobs
by Tschae April 19, 2010
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1. Typo for BRB
2. Acronym for Back Tomorrow Bye
John: btb for a second
Damien: man why you leaving?
John: damn typo, I meant BRB.
John: BTB.
Damien: aight see you tomorrow dogg.
by Trashlord July 5, 2005
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(ball-tapping bitch) A female who masquerades as your best friend but then suddenly and fatally kicks you in the nuts. A BTB causes tremendous and often irreversible physiological and psychological damage. Be vigilant, because you won't recognize a BTB until it's too late for you and your balls.
BTB: Hey, what's up?

Man: Not much. How about you?

BTB: Hey, what's that over there? Kicks man in cojones.

Man collapses on the floor and screams in agony.
by iwillrockyou1 September 13, 2010
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Man, that dude is all BTB
by Jowlick July 28, 2011
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Acronym for "by the balls" used to refer to guys who are "pussy whipped" by the wife or girlfriend and are not allowed to hangout with friends or go to guy's night out.
Peter: dude where's Mike, that f*cking douchebag?

Louis: I talked to him earlier but I don't think he's gonna make it...

Peter: Sounds like he's btb, must be that new girlfriend.
by igno_ February 23, 2008
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'btb' is short for "Beat that Bitch". This term is used when you one-up one of your friends, or do something better than them.
You: I beat you by like 20 seconds in that race today.
Friend: Calm down, I usually beat you in races like that so btb.
by _owenhere_ November 2, 2014
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