1. Greek goddess of the dawn prone to making lingustic mistakes.

2. One of the many names for sleeping beauty.
1. When Aurora fell in love with a mortal she asked Jupiter to, " Give my man immortality!" When she should have said, " Give my man eternal youth!"

This eventually resulted in her lover getting so decrepit that she turned him into a grasshopper.

by Briar Rose Pomona July 11, 2008
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The most beautiful girl in the universe, with short black and brown hair with gorgeous brown eyes. She is sexy and incredibly funny and caring. Great person to hangout with
"Man, I wish i was going out with Aurora"
by .......... December 6, 2008
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the name that originates from the Roman goddess of dawn.
People with the name Aurora tend to be slightly materialistic. They are fashionistas. An 'Aurora' also tends to have linguistic problems, and also problems with pronounciation of words. Auroras are also very outgoing, and not afraid to be themselves. An Aurora can often see herself as better than certain people, and sometimes forgets things easily.
'She's an Aurora for sure"
by super_girl1234 November 13, 2009
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Aurora is fucking perfect . Aurora is one of the kindest girls you will ever meet. She is a wonderful ray of sunshine and the best friend you will ever have. However, do not be fooled by her sweetness, do not mess with her. Aurora doesn't screw around. She has an enormous heart and is someone you can count on. She also (to be noted) absolutely loves cat memes. Aurora can be insecure, but there is no reason to be, because of her beauty and smarts. She is absolutely gorgeous but doesn't know it. If you have Aurora as a friend, girlfriend, or even an acquaintance you are amazingly lucky.
Dude 1: That girl is so hot.
Dude 2: You're so right I heard her name is Aurora.
Dude 1: Figures.
by dont@megrl December 10, 2019
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Aurora is incredibly smart. Has high intelligence. Will kick your butt if you talk back or are rude to her friends or family. She is stupid sexy and will put her friends and family first. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is a great girlfriend if you have patience she will do great things to you, and with you. If you have her as a friend you are incredibly lucky hang on to her. You might get into disagreements, but what friends don’t? She is tall and skinny. She has a beautiful smile and great laugh. With her great sense of humour. She’s into boys that are smart, usually blonde with blue eyes and braces. She is hottt af if you see her she probably has a decent ass and (great pussy) but smaller boobs. If you get to know her she’s really cool! So keeper.
Josh:yo have you seen aurora???
Jack: ya she’s so hot and she’s super funny she doesn’t have a bad body either.
Josh: I’m going to get to know her.
by Rory👩🏼💋 April 17, 2019
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“hey have you seen that person? they’re perfect!”
“that’s because they’re aurora”
by faffokfkd December 7, 2020
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Loving and kind and will always be with you. Does not come off like a pick me and is not one. her ex’s always regret leaving her because she comes in the room looking better and better everyday. :) I love you aurora
Aurora is my bestie
by unicorn dancer February 16, 2022
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