An anarchist is someone who does not believe in law, money or government
an anarchist is downloading punk musuic off limewire, his mom comes up to him and says:
MOM:Dont get stuff off limewire, its against the law!
MOM: well we could get fined big money you know!
by Dan Edwards June 24, 2005
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An anti-authoritarian who is probably more dogmatic in his views than the authoritarians themselves. This person likely struck his roots in the punk community at one time or another and decided that being a "full-time revolutionary" (Leninist concept, btw) was more serious than punk rock. If you attempt to counter their views in front of them, you will likely uncover a fanantic personality type bordering on megalomania (just visit Lawrence, KS's Solidarity collective) and you may feel better about Stalinism upon talking to these idiots. Hard leftists - stay away! You're better just doing stuff on your own.
"They don't like Communists, Socialists, either...Either you're anarchist or you're a class traitor"
by ebato March 9, 2006
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A person who does not believe in government, and will actively protest (in their case see riot/vandalize). Characteristics is wearing mostly black, optional baseball cap, with a black mask covering (official term unkown to poster, looks like a skimask without a mouth hole) and is versed in taking their black t-shirts and improvising a mask as well. Pants are usually made by dickies (Reason: very supportive of unions)

Victims in thier vandalism are usually businesses, but will go after a Starbuck's like flies to honey. Also known to be very persuasive in sharing their belief, accept or get the crap beat out of you.

Easy way to handle an anarchist put a sign in front of the local police station covering the police logo that says "Starbucks served here" and watch the fun begin.
Anarchist at a rally: We need to get rid of the government and capitalism! Wait, my cellphone is going off... hello? oh Mike! yeah sure I'll meet you at dickies to get knew jeans!"
by Necronner September 21, 2007
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A hypocrite. Someone who will most likely vote in his/her lifetime. Someone who believes that government should be abolished, yet will support the party that wishes to enlarge the government the most, simply because that party has no morals. Anarchists are idiots, who don't realize that no government never works, and have no admirable traits, so they wish to inflict pain in everyone else.
An Anarchist shot himself.
by Achped July 13, 2003
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1. An edgy teenager that believes in Anarchy because he/she thinks it's cool. Probably in JROTC with a haircut that is just barely in standard

2. Someone who woke the f*ck up and decided that the government is stupid and needa to be gone.
Edgy Kid: "I'm an Anarchist"

Real Anarchist: "Whoa dude. 2edjy4mi"
by Mr.Kalashnikov December 14, 2014
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people who hate law and authority , some are peacful some are not in my own opinion its better to be a disruptive anarchist lets face it running about like an idiot in a clown outfit isnt gonna stop bush killing people running about smashing windows , looting stores and spraypainting "FUCK THE SYSTEM CLASS WAR" on walls is gonna make an impact THIS IS VERY ILLEGAL DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK I DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY

anarchists also hate the police mosly because they hit them with batons (which is sore by the way) but also because there a sign of authority
police:disperse now or we will take further action
anarchist:fuck the police!
(anarchists run at police)
(police put up riot sheilds)
by scottish anarchist April 8, 2006
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short for Cute chicks.
you can find cute chicks at any anarchist meeting
I love anarchist chicks.
by Sherman February 9, 2005
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