A term used to describe one person viewing another person's profile on facebook, or various other social networking sites, usually in excessive amounts. This term seems to be derived from "Facebook Stalking". It can also be used to describe someone watching or stalking someone else in real life. In this situation, one may be deemed a "creeper".

girl 1- Mike was totally creepin' your profile last night... He was looking through all your photos and everything..

girl 2- Ew! Mike? I don't even know him...


girl 1- Do you know that guy across the street? He keeps staring at us...

girl 2- No I don't know him at all... He's just creepin' on us.
by drunkensnowman April 4, 2010
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feeling some one up or moving slowly..
Man when i was creepin on that hottie i found out she was stank!!

We were creepin by the party to see what was up..
by mead December 3, 2003
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When taking a picture, sometimes there will be a random person / people in the background or sides of the picture that look extremely weird or scary at sometimes.
Jim: Hey Sally, look at Mark in the picture, he's totally creepin.

Sally: Oh wow, he looks scary as hell in that picture. He's definitely creepin'.
by Acidro March 10, 2010
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#1 dude: duude, what's up?
#2 dude: oh creepin' with my friends.
by Dudet_ Bitch!?! April 1, 2009
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When your pants are not capris yet they are 3 inches above your ankles and socks and/or skin are in plain sight...also known as creepage. Creepin is the act of creepage.
Dang, that boy is creepin a good 4 inches!!!
by Dee8906 April 4, 2006
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Anyone who is in the direct possession of an STD.
"Dude, she's hott!"
"My dude, she's from Wilson, she's creepin'"
by falcon2_900 April 16, 2008
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The act of sneaking out of your house unoticed
im ground so ive creepin out my house
by yuckalooter July 11, 2009
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