Motto coined by Sid K, aka discord user #Sid1094, aka twitter handle @dollarandcoin to honor smoking that sweet sweet cheeba.

Smoke on my friends
Man this smoke is burning my lungs bro”

“I know bro but you got to remember the motto, live by the toke, die by the smoke. Here, take this rip.”
by Dollarandcoin May 8, 2022
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When an individual, which has a penis, masturbates while also smoking weed.
I just bought a subcription to Brazzers and a fat sack of Loud. I'll be having a Stroke-N-Toke session all day until mom comes home.
by Hammy312 April 25, 2021
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1. Any stealthy way to smoke marajuana 2. Any device used as such. 3. The act of stealthily smoking marajana. 4. Any person well known for such smoking devices.

Similar to a McGuyver Smoker, in the exception that not all McGuyver Smoker devices are stealthy.
by Ol_man_Kenny May 30, 2011
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Smoking a large amount of marijuana before attending a public event, work, or school
“Let’s get a good speed toke in before we go.”

“I had a speed toke this morning and I’m tweaking hard.
by treyrjm June 2, 2020
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Verb and noun
A Mo-toke is a drag on a cigarette (or similar) in which a vast quantity is smoked at once. Not many are able take a "real" Mo toke as it is very harsh on the lungs and often makes people cough.
Mo: Can I have a drag?
Dan:Sure, just don't take a mo-toke
-Mo inhales for a good 20 seconds-
Dan: Awh! Com'on!
by AverageWool November 10, 2015
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A toke god man or woman of absolute class. Lacking the skill or talent to play a real position, these marijuana addicted fellows often play goalie if not bench, if they are a hockey player. As for the toke aspect of these fine individuals, they often use so much weed that they snap group chats looking high as shit, usually be pointed out for their likeness to someone who has recently been crying. Overall these folks generally go to stillwater high school as softmores, are absolute bums.
Wow that girl stank. She must be a Toke God
by GWhammy69 June 1, 2021
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When your up-and-coming rapper friend Tecnoreal_ does a contest on tiktok, then you have to do that tiking toking G
- You heard about Tecno’s contest on TikTok Tony?
- Yeah bro let’s do some tiking toking on ‘Fuori’
by MonsieurDuPasteur October 22, 2020
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