Just about anyone who doesn’t get mad when you spank them
Guy 1: Good job on that last play!
Guy 1: “proceeds to spank
Guy 2: “doesn’t get mad
Guy 1: Pervert
by Playerunderscore1 December 17, 2019
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A person who basically sexualizes everything.
If you happen to be a pervert, please touch some grass and see some sunlight.
by NotTuch November 23, 2022
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Mineta: OooOh momo’s boObIes
Momo: ur such a pervert.
by (╥﹏╥) lord of noodles August 7, 2021
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A pervert is a mindless dick who will think of something sexual every time anybody says anything. It is also like, a stalker, but you stalk only girls, and you drool over them, or spy on them for titties, or ass.
Friend: Hey, Daniel wants you.
Pervert: Tell him: Sorry, I’m not gay.
Friend: No he wants to talk to you.
Pervert: About what? Sex?
Friend: *silence*

Pervert: Mmm….
Friend: Huh?
Pervert: Look at that ass…
Friend: You pervert.
Pervert: *keeps drooling*
by CallMe_Skye February 1, 2023
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Another word for Alex slaskin

a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable to social norms.
Alex is a pervert for scissoring his hands at work to represent what the two latino woman best friends should do for his enjoyment.
by superpredurak February 9, 2016
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