The store where fat b*tches ride on scooters,buy cheap soda{sam's cola} and

scream at their children to get more hot dogs.
Average truckstop whore•i need some condoms,sams cola and some perfume that smells like sperm. Lets go to wal*mart supermarket.

Child•you dont any perfume,you already smell like sperm!
by Weird person February 17, 2015
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having sex doggy style in a cart while a third friend pushes you through the aisles.
Sarah- i need to go shopping
Zach- lets go on a Wal-Mart adventure!!
Eadie- oh i have to push the cart again

Zach+Sarah- ;)
by eadie30 November 30, 2011
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1. When you've received terrible service.

2. Getting screwed over royal.
1. I'm never going there again! I received the Wal*Mart Policy

2. You got fired while you were on vacation? You got the Wal*Mart Policy!!
by Grendare April 4, 2010
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A circa 2011 term coined by a 350 lb man who was nosebombed by the winds coming from the asshole of an unmedicated lactose intolerant man after he had drank a triple espresso with half and half with a banana, usually smelling like a sweaty ripe ass that hasn’t been washed in four days Or smells like one of the fat people at Walmart taking a shit in the bathroom or also performing a dry dock at wal mart
Guy 1 dude I was in the crapper the other day and the guy in the next stall and it smelled like wal mart farts
guy 2 we don't have that issue at target must have been some guy after comic con
guy 3 or he must have been one of those ham planets on a scooter
by rayjay91 December 7, 2022
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- Someone who tries to out drive transport trucks. On the highway
- Uses Catch phrases such "Dinkle Dwarf." or "What a dip stick"
-Conserves 7 year old food in the 4 different freezers in hopes to one day become a time capsule
-Turns vechicles into mini-marts

-Humming to tunes, she wishes she knew the word too
-Making up her own phiosphies such as "When your swiming use a floating around your neck to prevent water from entering your ears."
-Owns 70274927493 pairs of shoes
-Thinks she IS hockey night in Canda
-And enjoys having people give her and her toronto maple leaf flag the finger
-Enjoys geneology even on families that isn't her (Facebook creeper)
-Records 56830545 shows at once and hogs all 5 T.V.'s in the house
-Buys her kids chocolate for easter only to hide them for herself
----- Future A&E special Hoarders
"Look at all the old food in your freezer -- Looks like you pulled a Paula Wal-nuts"
by shjoch April 7, 2010
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To discribe something or someone that has it all, such as an attractive woman who has all the right parts, a guy who is well built and/or has money or nice things or a sharp car. Refering to the fact that you can get almost anything at Wal-mart.
Hey man, did you see that fine lady over there? She is straight Wal-mart.
Joe is totally Wal-mart. He's good looking, got a good job, a nice car and a fine girlfriend.
Look at the rims on that Impala, and that bad ass paint job. That car is Wal-mart.
by liet December 26, 2007
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a gang of muther fukkas that shop n hang out at tha big W
man i ran in to those wal-mart mafia boys in the electronics what a bunch of faggets!!!
by whyte boi(levi) September 10, 2003
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