See also. "Suicidaltaco"
"Suicidaltaco" - Leader of all momoes
by Ocatladicius February 5, 2003
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Momo-Gne or it's archaic form momo-gu ne is an ancient latin word, used to express any kind of emotions in any kind of situation. The versatility of this ancient word make this meme a surrel or ethereal meme, just the elite of memelords can use this word due to its immense communicative power.
A: mi passi i broccoli
B: (SCREAMING) Momo-Gne (momo-gu ne)!
by @callme_felix June 16, 2018
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That is when an Asian girl osculates an Asian boys testicles Asian girlAsian boymomos
by The red helmet January 21, 2019
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Xjie Momo is the most SKINNIEST!!! Person shes jiafeis sister and her best friend they both attend possay high
Person 2: ya it is!! but jiafei is better..
Person 1: well shes more skiny! but jiafei deffinently has the better products!!
Person 2: i agree her cvm fixer product is sooo good
by Xjie December 25, 2021
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