jontz is the 'Urban Scuttlebot World Champion' from the years 1900-2050+.

There is no doubt about it.
Someone: 'Who is the Urban Scuttlebot World Champion?'
Someone else: jontz is, duh.
by Ronald McDonald June 10, 2004
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Those who are not quite good enough to be outright champions.

Unable to claim champion status.
We were so close to winning our spelling competition, but I guess we’ll have to settle for joint champions.
by Haole September 7, 2022
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The walk out of a college dorm with at least two more people. those present in the party must all be hung over and walking side by side. Limping or other injuries are optional, but make the walk much more memorable. The Walk of Champions is best achieved when walking to a known destination, usually a location that sells greasy breakfast hangover cure food.
We're not partying, we're preparing for our Walk of Champions tomorrow

Guy 1: Wow, those guys over there look like they went through hell and back. I wonder if they're ok.
Guy 2: Trust me, they're fine. They're taking the Walk of Champions right now.
by the Hungover March 26, 2011
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In the context of an online dating profile this means a guy with a thumb sized penis that masturbates constantly
by Lzeb October 3, 2019
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“Yeah I got a piss kink. In fact, they call me the raining champion.”
by *•*Anon*•* March 23, 2022
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A white boy who wears ripped skinny jeans and displays his shoes like a trophy, probably a car guy and would or does wear champion.
she always gets with champion boys..
by Kedster February 23, 2021
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Pay to Win game based on Marvel. The best part? OMG U CAN PAY 4732896487264872694876128748932T4836465873254873264872354YT245873254673264879249723 DOLLARS TO UNLOCK A CHANCE TO UNLOCK A TWO STAR DEDPEWL BUT U HAVE TO DOMINATE CHANCE!!!!!!
So... How's theContest of champions game going?
Contest? I stopped playing that shit and began with Future Fight
by ArtistOverlordRuler August 5, 2017
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