A person who is a dick, but only chimes in on Facebook when another dick initiates it first.
“It seems that John is always Jimmy’s Facebook Cocksleeve.”
by Kooterkat January 2, 2021
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A person who lacks the skill, knowledge, or self confidence to argue a point on their own, but who will comment if they have one or more people on their side who have commented first.
John always seems to be Jimmy’s Facebook Cocksleeve
by Kooterkat January 4, 2021
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Facebook Fracas - an argument, or squabble amongst friends and family on Facebook, the social networking site. Usually caused by bitchy women folk.
A Facebook Fracas usually starts with a comment that can be taken either way and then esculates into all out war on statuses. With people backing up family and freinds with threats of violence towards the friends and family of the person who made the comment.
by BENNYBOY1 March 10, 2011
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Giving unwanted advice to people through comments on Facebook.
1:I hate being ignored
2:Don't be ignored stand up and scream it's the only way you will be heard
1:Yeah ok
2:Bad vibes will only receive bad vibes faith in something bigger and better and believing that will make it all good there is light in every dark tunnel think bright even if it's dark let the spirit guide and stick to gaining an understanding if it doesn't happen that means there is something better you surround yourself with what you put out karma is real I have no reason to lie to you everything is within you and finding what you really want
1:Ive heard it all. Theres nothing that i haven't heard before.
2:I can't save you from yourself if you want to be so grim. The pit your in is the pit you need to wake up in and realize it's dark in there.
3: you're*
3:Honestly don't even know how you were on my news feed but I had to, everybody's a Facebook Ghandi these days.
by MBenji January 4, 2014
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When someone is on Facebook while hyper, usually from sugar or caffeine. This person will post, message and comment much more than usual during this state.
"Sorry for all the messages last night, I downed an entire coffee and was Facebook hyper."
by Pink CiCi September 29, 2011
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When one promises goods and services as a kindly gesture without expecting something in return but doesn't follow through.
Dude he wasn't suppose to accept my offer. It was a Facebook promise. It's the thought that counts
by The oll knowing September 7, 2020
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When someone posts an inspirational status on Facebook that is very open ended and mysterious in hopes of getting people to comment on their post. Facebook inspiration fishing is most often used to get people ask them what they are up too. Commonly used when they really want to tell their friends about this cool new Herbal Tea, Knife set, and/or mixtape and unsure how to do it.
Facebook status: "On the hunt about to make everyone take notice and change the world."

Comment: What you doing cuz? Do I want in?
Response by poster: Yea bro, I'll inbox you?

Facebook poster in the inbox: Yo man I'm about to drop my new mixtape tonight, do you mind sharing the link?
commenter: Man...you just Facebook inspiration fishing
by crz55609 March 28, 2017
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