When you "boop" someone on their Brest.
Ima boop u on the titty . Titty Boop!
by Uesagi Kenchu March 8, 2017
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To have sex, or asking your mate to have sex, to get freaky with it.
1. Yo baby, you down for some fur slappin boop bop?

2. What's up with the fur slappin boop bop baby?
by Master Vag Blaster November 13, 2020
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Means something so adorable, cute and pretty you just wanna go up to their nose and go boop boop
That cat is such a boop boop

Yea bro she’s so boop boop

Your such a boop boop
by dwelfie June 21, 2020
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When you pet a duck or touch it.
I went to the lake to give the duck my special duck boop.
by The duck booper May 29, 2021
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A phrase popularized by meme culture which seems to have originated from the year 2017, whilst the peak of the phrase was originally from 2004 according to Google Trends.

This is a phrase uttered to refer to the gentle poking of the nose of an animal, thus deeming the phrase "Snoot" a derivative of "Snout" whilst the term "Boop" is implying that you are poking something, typically a nose or an animal's snout.

The phrase is usually used as an endearing way to describe ones love for their pet in the modern day, indicating that they enjoy gently poking their snout or nose.
Woman to her dog: Come here, let me boop the snoot.
*Gently pokes the nose of her dog*
by Sky69 May 5, 2023
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