Earthquaking a man to death is extremely rude and everyone else will leave the game.
by WeePiggies_oink January 27, 2021
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Death Race 2000 is a 1975 film about killing people with cars. The more people you kill, the more points you get.
Hey you see that kid over there? Lets Death Race 2000 him”
by May 4, 2022
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very near the end of one's life. (Often an exaggeration.) I was so ill that I was at death's door for three days. The family dog was at death's door for three days, and then it finally died.
dying or very ill He literally was at death's door when a liver became available for transplant.
by lokhad March 30, 2017
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when you're all finished dressing and putting your shoes on and you just barely open the front door to leave before feeling the familiar subtle burn on the inside of your anus signifying the soul destroying shit that has arrived
sorry man I was litterally out the front door then I felt "Death's knock"
by 7uck3r 573v3n5 February 24, 2021
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When your ass is hella itchy while you're beating your meat
"Man I hella had the death start last night"
by Doggy_huan November 4, 2018
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When a character does something incredibly stupid that the audience just knows they're going to be dead soon.
Graves being all nice to Credence after smacking him and casting him aside like garbage -- Death Be Unto You.
by Darkury June 28, 2017
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A large rodent entity found in the Backrooms. They are more mutated than regular rats, and more intelligent.
Death Rats are also much more vicious.
by MaybeARealWord January 13, 2022
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