Your mom is a large overweight woman in her mid to late fifties. She often can be found in a prone position or on her knees, performing sexual favors for her childrens friends. Her vaginal cavity is often quite wide and in some cases filled with bats or spider's webs. A very permiscuous woman, she is often the target of many comical antidotes and other insults.
Your Mom is a fat slut man did you know that.
by jriver15 May 23, 2008
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The ultimate insult of ones mother... It is played carefully into a trap, also used as an anti-dis to the persons you are speaking to. Your mom can be used in such ways listed as examples in Italics.

Almost any string of sentance can relate to a "Your mom" based statement, or insult.
Knock, knock, Whos there? Your mom

And now for the grand finale! Your moms a grand finale...

Guess what? What? YOUR MOM!

Whats the difference between pig shit and an antelope? I dont know... what? Your mom

Who's that hot looking chick over there? Your mom

Guy over there: ?
Some Kid: YOUR MOM!
Guy over there: My mom? MY MOM!?!?!? NO SON, YOUR MOM!!!!!!!

by Ghesh August 2, 2006
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The only come-back you'll ever need
Bully:your gay
You:no your mom

by ass eater 420 February 27, 2020
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