When you and a friend (preferably named Cale) get a huge barrel of mayonnaise and submerge yourselves in it together, you then lock toes and stick one man’s genitalia down the other and breed. Once one has finished the other genitalia goes down the first one. You go until there is blood, once there is blood you leave the barrel and lick the mayo off of each other.
Mike oxlong: what are you and Cale doing later?
Me: were mayonnaise breeding
by RabidTurkey June 17, 2022
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When you take a metal rod and put it through a mayonnaise and freeze it and after that you take it out and it become a Mayonnaise Mace
by DingleEater November 28, 2022
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Code for "cumming inside" during sex.

See also creampie or not pulling out
Guy 1: Yo bro how did your date go?
Guy 2: Dude it was nice. WE made some Mayonnaise Cake together
Guy2: ayyyyyyy
by Matt_Money November 29, 2019
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to describe a girl who gets so uncontrolably drunk and procedes to play with mayonnaise, hence mayonnaise fingers. usually blonde.
erghhhhhhh look at that shes definatly got mayonnaise fingers!
by rainbowsary February 11, 2010
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Sexual dessert.

Post-ejaculation into the anus, the partner's asshole is licked and spat into. Afterwards that partner squats over a waffle cone (or a dinner bowl or plate if no cone is available) and deficates the mixture of semen, fecal matter and saliva. Typically a brown and white swirled mixture.

May also include a little red.

Should be eaten after intercourse while still warm.

Believed to be bring good luck in one's sexual experiences.
My last booty call made me a mayonnaise sundae so I'm expecting a good time in the club this weekend!
by Sunnaise December 12, 2016
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A mayonnaise bomb is when you put mayonnaise in your mouth and go to kiss somebody and while your kissing them you put the mayonnaise in their mouth
I totally surprised her with a big mayonnaise bomb last night
by OwenDaDawg94 May 25, 2023
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A mayonnaise bomb is when you put mayonnaise in your mouth and go to kiss somebody and while your kissing them you put the mayonnaise in their mouth
Oh yeah, last night i gave her the biggest mayonnaise bomb
by OwenDaDawg94 May 25, 2023
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