emotional, suicidal, homocidal, crazy, carries a gun, rides some bike, drives a big truck that's not his, talks highly but wouldn't do shit, usually goes for girls who way to good for him, controlling, selfish, alcoholic, drug addict, usually works at apple bee's, has two kids, and no life, big penis, no teeth.

kinda SICK.
by paige lilidale May 29, 2011
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the best guy you will ever meet in your entire life. he is the biggest asshole to everyone but the people closest to him. he teases you all the time but loves you will all his heart. hes without a doubt sexy as all hell and unexplainably perfect for his lady. don't ever take justin for granted
day 1;

me: ugh, justin is such an ass. he wont answer my calls, hes always so mean to me.

friend: okay. you're going to change your mind tomorrow.

me: no i wont. im breaking up with him.
day 2;

friend: how'd the breakup go?

me: he loves me and ugh..! hes just so sweet and amazing and perfect! im in love with him so much!

friend: oh lord. you guys are stupid.
by thisguilbertbabe May 9, 2016
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Guy- Yo look at that dude eating a banana
Girl- That’s not a human, it’s a Justin
by ChimpSlayer30003 October 13, 2019
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The biggest faggot and pussy you will ever meet. Justins have a tendency to have small dicks and curly hair.
That queer over there is definitely a Justin.
by pokemon mazter March 18, 2017
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The stupidest, rudest, shortest, most annoying asshole in the world
by Nikki 1234 September 13, 2018
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Justin is the type of guy to be funny around his friend then switch up around someone he likes. He usually isnt trustworthy and will cheat on any girl he dates. Most likely to be a douchbag around anybody that isnt his good friends.
Dont date justin! He will end up breaking your heart!
by That0neR4ndomGuy November 22, 2021
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