"Swan, we gotta hit up that booze cruise to take back the island."
by Swanneh August 17, 2008
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The best thing to happen since drinking! It's a patch you wear while you drink so you're not as hungover the next day. You sneak these on so your friends suffer like little bitches and you look like a superhero!
Slap this Booze Bandage on and you're good to go!
by nautiginger July 17, 2019
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A word for which is used when one wants another one but doesn't know how to tell him or her and it send there mind in every which direction.
Damnit, he/she makes me feel boozed suzuka if ya know what I mean.
by Yellow elf October 31, 2021
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Getting viciously hammered on a tuesday morning before the 9 to 5 shift
I woke up so hammered before the 9 to 5 dial in. I was so ceres-booze.
by WxvyLittle October 14, 2023
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Injuries obtained during full on party time. A party "boo-boo"
Bro, I broke my arm last night at that party. It was my only booze-boo though so it was a good night!
by OpieTaylor July 4, 2011
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Losing in life as a result of Booze intake. Covers literal loss as well as more figurative varieties.
I got really drunk last night, and lost my wallet, the respect of several peers and now have hideous regret and life-debilitating hangover. What a textbook case of Booze Lose.
by ajsmith June 10, 2012
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