They can be rude to those at first, but once she opens up, she can be nice, weird, and humourous. Once you get on her bad side, she'll remember it. She can hate at times but can be cool.
Girl: Omg, ilysm Denver
Denver: ily2
Girl: Omg Denver, you can be a bitch sometimes to be honest
Denver: *Gets mad*
Girl: *apologizes*
Denver: It's okay I guess.
(It might be awkward)
by Natalie Elder December 1, 2019
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A beautiful uncommon name. you are most likely a aries, cancer, or leo
you are amazing
people are jealous of u
Ughh i hate denver.

Denver is so beautiful/Handsome.
by AlohaxKarennn February 3, 2021
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Denver is a guy's name, or maybe not really a "guy".

You would never feel sadness and loneliness whenever he's around because he have that ability to just make the atmosphere light and happy. He is one of the most supportive friend you'll ever have. But when it comes to relationship, he's not the luckiest.
Denver: Hello! Nice meeting you all! I am Denver, not the city though.
by you_have_lost_me June 8, 2021
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The only city where it can be 101 degrees out with a winter storm warning in effect for a blizzard coming through tomorrow. Every city seems to claim the "if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes", but in Denver it is actually true. It is called the mile high city for more than one reason.
Daniel: Damn, It's 101 out, I'm sweating so much, Denver is wack bro, it shouldb't be this hot in march
Mikey: Well its gonna be -11 tomorrow and 3 feet of snow
Daniel: Not again
by guythatlivesindenverlmao July 25, 2021
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denver puts on a very cold act but deep down he has a very kind heart he puts on a cold act because hes been hurt in the past and just needs someone to help heal that hurt.hes a stoner and likes to get high every single day but is the funniest person you’ll ever meet even though if half his jokes are racist or homophobic a denver liked me but i blew my shot so if u ever meet a denver never let them go.
girl 1:that guy looks goneee
girl 2:must be denver.
by iwannafuckeminem333 February 15, 2023
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What you get after a night of smoking really good weed.
I have a Denver Hangover from that dank kush we smoked last night.
by The Fred man September 20, 2019
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