Diana is the type of girl to jump up on your waist cause she so small, but don't be fooled by the cute and innocent way she stares into your eyes. You do not wanna see her dark side. She has seen some freaky shit and when you raise your hand she flinches cause she been hurt in the past. Don't let her go. If you do, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Diana's are known for having the hottest bods in the world and they can turn you on with just a look...
"Damn Diana looks so innocent!"
"nah she ain't, she did bumps with me last night. All night if you know what i mean.."
by Ariana Grande's Pony tail December 4, 2020
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A Diana is the description for mostly female individuals who behave like Karens but less dramatic and more senseless instead.
by Lucien26 March 28, 2023
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A beautiful girl she’s perfect in everyway

She’s pure, genuine, and has a great personality. She carries herself lightly and loves purely from her soul
She’s like an angel on earth
Bro I want a girl like Diana
by Brandon Xavier November 23, 2021
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A person who will always fall for a triple M
Uhhhhh Diana, I bet she fell for a triple M
by Batquan May 31, 2021
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the sexiest girl ever
badass bitch
all the boys want her
the fattest ass
boy:it's diana she's the baddest bitch u ever seen right?
by mitt bajs December 26, 2020
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The most unique thing you'll find, Diana's come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and places. She may be shy and timid at first but when you get to know her she could be the kindest sweetest baddie you'll ever find. She doesn't care at all for what people say (unless their crush) she will continue doing and being what she is. She knows she may never get her beautiful soulmate and future but does anything for second best. She regrets but forgets. Her crush could be scared of her for how different, shy, weird and disgusting she acts with him but a boy should never reject a Diana's love. Diana's are yet the undercover nerd sometimes and you might be surprised of how smart they are. She tries to be as beautiful as she can (to get her mans ;)) She cares about the 1st one who talks to her in the random way place and may move fast as "friends" with them when they may just be classmates or in 1 same period. She always has a topic to talk about or will join any conversation. She is beautiful not always outside but always too much inside. So for the boys love her keep it a secret unless she obviously loves you back. For the girls never bully her or reject her, include her in any activity even if she doesn't seem to want to join in, she may like it later. Dianas could be the best thing that ever happened to you. She is fragile so keep her close. She is beautiful through and through.
" Back of I have a girlfriend" Carl "Ugh.. Who's better than me!?!?" Alexa "Diana is, well no duh" Carl
by The Girl who works at McDonald September 30, 2021
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