Eric is a person who is mean,goofy,annoying,shy,fun. But he will apologize to you if he does something to you that will hurt your feelings. Eric is also a sexy boy that every girl wants!!
Girl 1: OMG Eric is so fine
Girl 2: ik, I just wanna top him
Girl 1: trueeee
by Kaylahastaste October 17, 2019
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A tall handsome young boy with a big ass and fat dick that everyone wants to ride on. He is a chic magnet that attracts both boys and girls and likes having passionate sex. Watch out he can be really nasty and can lower your self-esteem really fast. so you better watch out cause Eric Hood is cumming in your ass (to the tune of "Santa Claus is coming to town)
"Eric is fucking hot"
by "BigD" June 27, 2019
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Eric is a double edge sword. He can be your best friend but at the same time be your worst enemy. He’s not loyal for the most part. He’s been known to betray people a lot. One thing to think about is that when he finds better happiness he’ll will trow you under the bus faster than you can say fortnite. Even though you been there for him for over years.
Eric can be both good and bad. But mostly bad.
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A drug addict and alcoholic but he's a cool dude who will go out of the way to make your day
Person 1:did you see Eric last night?
Person 2:yeah he was drunk as fuck!
by Cuck_lord69 December 4, 2017
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Eric is the baddest mother fucker out there he has three penises and is a massive fucking unit who gets head from toms mom
by Heyyyq19292 January 13, 2019
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He will die if he doesn’t get dm’d nudies. A sex god, king of man. Hilarious beyond mortal knowledge. Fruitful and inspiring in his tweets and tones. Please before he dies send nudies. Believed to be the first person to make a “handsome Squidward” joke. Often misunderstood, always ignored in groupchats. Been known to ravage the frontal lobes of imagination. Rambler and exploiter of words often used incorrectly. Please send him your nudies in his dms before he dies.
Eric will die! Dm him now!
by Ih8thiskid January 30, 2020
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