When you catch someone with there hand in there pants, not pockets like in the pants like between pants and undies.
“Omg look it’s hands pants

Shut up hands pants”
by Crustytoast July 29, 2019
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partner of super hot sexy cool pretty famous lit epic cute funny hilarious SKR popular buff muscley witty smart intelligent person
Passionate Pants: Will you marry me? Please say yes you are so epic!

Partner: yeah sure ig.
by fortniteluver420 March 9, 2021
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When you have messed up really bad and your boyfriend/girlfriend is to the point of something drastic. Such as breaking up. Time to step it up, asshole and put on the pants.
Person: I messed up big time. My girlfriend is going to be so upset. I think she is going to break up with me!
Person 2: You know what time it is then
Person 1: No, What?!
Person 2: It's Apology Pants Time!
by Jenasis December 21, 2018
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When a girl gets .... ya know .... horney. Her vagina gets all wet and then she's wearing, like pants, like at work or some everyday situation, and then she has to walk around with sqinchy pants all day.
squinchy pants
John makes all the girls at work get squinchy pants.

Girl 1: Hey is that John over there?

Girl 2: Yeah it is! He's so hot he gives me squinchy pants.
Girl 1: Yeah, I work with him and then for the rest of the day I have to walk around with my pants all squinchy.
by Princess Lorraine March 7, 2017
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