Josie: hey wanna drink 4 lokos tomorrow

Elle: Why?
Kristen: it’s April 10 aka 4 loko day duh
by K12848289 April 8, 2021
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April 10th is the day you get a bf/gf, if ur bday is April 10 show this to everyone and someone has to ask u out
April person-hey it’s April 10
Random dude-so?
April person-you have to ask me Out!
Random dude-shit ok
by Thebesttloln October 6, 2022
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Fourth month of Sigma year. Although it is the fourt month so far, it is the first one where you fully abstain even from sex to know how it feels to be desperate. Meditation and working out is needed to cope with hardship od this period.
Mike:"James must be doing the Abstinence april, he only works out and meditates."
by chorbet November 15, 2022
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Is typically any hot girl that colours her hair different primary colours on a regular weekly basis and struts around with a beautiful figure. She's the type of girl who isn't afraid to take photos in alleys in your downtown districts while in the rain. Hence April as in April showers and her beautiful figure is where Jesus' miracle of giving beauty comes in. Hence April Jesus.
Hey, check out April Jesus over there. Woot woot!

Look at those April Jesus' (used when seeing a big group of hot girls with primary hair colour)
Dam, she's an ugly April Jesus. (used when you see an ugly girl with a primary hair colour. so.. an April Jesus reject or a weeaboo)
Hey, I just saw April Jesus walking in the park.
Fuck you April Jesus! (used when upset with an April Jesus)
by lilacgirl97 May 26, 2022
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When a dumb blonde with brown eyes and big forehead head was born
Person: its april 16th you know what that means!! Happy birthday dumb blonde lookin ass

Dumb blonde: fuck you.
by Coochie mans stepsister October 31, 2020
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When a dumb blonde with brown eyes and big forehead head was born
Person: its april 16th you know what that means!! Happy birthday dumb blonde lookin ass

Dumb blonde: fuck you.
by Coochie mans stepsister October 31, 2020
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legendary date for Bully Busters #1 and #3. on this day in 2021 a legendary event happened, so great it split the calendar in half.

an official holiday for tbb
Ella and Lucy: nobody shall ever speak of April 16, 2021, especially the events that occurred within 7-8pm.
by LUKY FISH April 10, 2022
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