when the roku boots up and sometimes it has that weird piano music which is kinda scary to some people
I never use the roku cuz the roku dance when you boot it up is scary
by ₱€£ November 14, 2021
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When a man stands with legs slightly parted, in either loose fitting clothes or naked, while thrusting his hips in such a way that his penis swings forward and backward. It does not work well, when equipped with a small penis.
Jake did the "pirate dance" in gym yesterday, just to show off his size.
by Mary-Bella Stardust August 26, 2013
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Ancient Roman Feminist Menstrual Dance therapy is an idiom referring in a negative way to supposedly useless or absurd college or university courses and often generally to refer to a perceived decline in educational standards.
The mandatory course "Ancient Roman Feminist Menstrual Dance therapy" was just another useless program forced on students by the progressive academics desperate to prop up their failing careers.
by sleepyAspey July 31, 2019
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Someone who exemplifies excellent and royalty in their dance/performance.
I have been working as a dancer in the club industry for over 11 years. I am dancing royalty!

I am well known for my performance and dance skills. People call me dancing royalty.
by LingDanc803 February 27, 2023
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Noun - obfuscated slang for pole dancing or a strip club.
Hey man, let's go to the University of American Dance tonight. I just got a bunch of cash out of the ATM.
by Freakstyler March 31, 2021
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Dancing in place without lifting your feet.
Most common in straight white men in their 40's.
Ronnie was pick-pocketed on the N train while he was stand dancing in the aisle.
by GLNO October 20, 2014
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