Lifting up the penis and repeatedly slapping the balls back and forth as hard as you can
I liked when Aidan and me egg slapped yesterday
by Bigbody69 May 13, 2019
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To make love to someone. Derived from the similarities between the geode-like rock called a "Thunder Egg" and male testicles.
Braniel decided that after a long third date of watching the extended cuts of the Fast and Furious franchise (as well as Hobbs and Shaw), he would ask to take Delilah back to his apartment and give her his thunder egg. It was a good night to Give someone your thunder egg.
by Lord Scottish April 16, 2021
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The process of cracking an egg into the vagina, and proceeding to fuck it until it’s scrambled.
Person 1: yo we had a weird night yesterday

Person 2: what happened

Person 1: I egg rolled her
by Cockgibbler9000 October 20, 2020
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When your sex partner will penetrate their penis into the female whilst they pass wind onto their bellend and they pop their egg smothered cock into the female's mouth.
For example, last night I made an egg roll with my bird, it was pleasurable and she thoroughly enjoyed it.
by Bangers N Mash 69 July 6, 2019
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