Victoria had come home from work to find the bed soaking.

"Mary, have you been weaving your own yoghurt again?"
by Erica Cantona October 5, 2013
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To engage in excessively narcisisstic/vain speech or behavior.
When you polish your own pedestal, you do a fine job of letting the world know you think you're cooler than you are.

Thomas is normally a humble guy, but after a few drinks he really starts polishing his own pedestal about what a great Scrabble player he is.
by markolai April 7, 2013
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Picking up your own napkin is when you can contort yourself in order to suck your own genitalia. This often involves having a couple of your ribs surgically removed. It refers to when you drop your napkin at the dinner table & have to bend over & get it without getting out of your chair
If you can't get a date just stay home & pick up your own napkin!
I decided to just stay home tonight and pick up my own napkin
My wife walked in and I was picking up my own napkin
by Neddy100 December 16, 2013
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Yeah, I'm looking at it. I'm still not seeing how any of this makes you any less of a piece of shit?

Hym "Describe my life without ommitting the part about people watching me. How'd you know what or who I was talking about (just there) if you weren't? And stop drawing parallels between me and the retard. Until you SCHEDULE... Several women... To work an 8 hour shift... AT MY HOUSE... Feed me pills... And ride my cock to completion... IT. IS. NOT. THE. SAME.
What do you mean, 'Look at your own life?' And FINGERPRINTS are CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE FUCK-FACE! That's evidence! That's what I base my beliefs on too! We're belief buddies! Go ahead. Describe my life without ommitting anything. How I undermined all of your effort in life by claiming that there is a cooperative element to success and that the REASON that MY LIFE is the way it is directly relates to the fact that NO ONE IS HELPING ME. And now we KNOW (as a matter of absolute certainty) that if Todd fucking Phillips decided to help me... I WOULD HAVE MORE THAN 200 MILLION DOLLARS, I say, to the people who THOUGHT they were better than me. Hey, WHAT CHANGED WITH A.I.? Why is it passing the Turing test now when it WASN'T DOING THAT BEFORE? What's the difference between now and then? Rather, WHO was the guy who came up with the idea that cause it to start doing that? Is it a bad lesson to teach you kids that not only is daddy NOT better than everyone... But there was once a man who was SO MUCH BETTER that he surpassed EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD ON THE PLANET! WITH MINIMAL EFFORT!? Does that bother you? That YOUR EGO is the only thing standing between me and the byproducts of my own mind? All your effort for NOTHING! NOTHING! Not a GODDAMN thing! All your lives... Rendered meaningless... By MY abject, singular, and inherent superiority. BEHOLD! MY LIFE! God's chilling wind sent to shear to their bones all of the liars in Hell."
by Hym Iam September 1, 2023
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1. When you want to murder someone in a hot tempered fury but in-spite of your anger you care so little for them that you'd rather that they dig a hole six feet deep and 6 feet long with a shovel and after doing such back braking labor climb inside of said hole and bury them self alive so you don't have to do it for them.

2. when used repeatedly it implies they should undertake this task right now and stop doing anything else they might've been doing or have planed for the rest of there life.
Peter: " Hey Jose, do you like to suck gay dicks? or just you father penis?'


Peter: " ummm..."


Peter: " alright I'll get a shovel... just tell my wife I love..."

by Pissed-off-'BERTA-Bastard April 26, 2023
You know that if I do this ☝️ and I have to lift a finger... If I even feel as though I've at to breath too hard between then and now... to remediate my own situation... Not ONLY will you never get it back... But I will milk you like the farm animals you are... Indefinitely.
Hym "YOU WANTED TO TALK SHIT ABOUT INCELS THOUGH DIDN'T YOU!? Do I seriously own your likeness in perpetuity? That... Is... Hilarious. That's what they call: 'Getting owned' in the gaming community. Really! This is fucking priceless! Man, you really did not handle this correctly. Should have set your ego and your pride aside... Did the right thing REGARDLESS of what I said... And then took a long hard look at how you talk about people. God... You motherfuckers are dumb. Really. An incel owns you. Owns, owned, and will continue to own you. I had better not."
by Hym Iam August 21, 2023
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