Someone who goes along with what is popular within a given group of people regardless of their own personal standings in order for general social validation to be achieved.
Dude, that kid is such a crowd surfer.
The group he hangs out with doesn't particularly like him, but he still just goes along with whatever they say. It seems like he just wants to fit in, but he's just going about it the wrong way
Oh yeah, that makes sense.
You wanna make out?
Oh boy do I!
by Bosco'sNutshack March 14, 2022
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police. why do i have to have 3 words and 20 letters?
hide the drugs here comes da surfers
by doebler August 18, 2006
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A stereotypical low class doobie smoking pothead.
That surfer is pretty good shaka pipeline.
by __pseudonym__ October 8, 2020
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A tiny wanker that flies into mum like a wave
Damn mike your a good midget surfer "said hillory"
by Gjaanfgkdhlsdyuiebfisdk October 22, 2017
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Someone who loves using their tongue on a woman's pussy.
Ron's such a tongue surfer with anyone he's with!
by The_Swampfox May 28, 2023
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Noun: A person who multiple blowjobs at a time, flowing through them while on their knees.
Did you see Valencia? She’s a real Knee Surfer.
by JohnDoe94 October 24, 2023
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