Rhyming slang for muff. Usually refering to a female you'd want to bang up.

This hasn't as yet been accepeted as rhyming slang, it's something I came up with.
#In some bar#

Man: thats a nice bit of 'hillary duff' just walked in
by dw October 22, 2004
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a disney channel star that isn't that good at singing but has made it through to the real world outside of disney without going to rehab, making a sex tape, attacking the papparazi, or sent naked pics to her boyfriend, only to have them leaked all over the internet. in fact you rarely ever hear of her at all.
i would say hilary duff's just chill, neutral even. but her voice still sucks o.O
by peoplesuck254 October 24, 2009
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Someone who doesn't even deserve to be insulted. Her record is a good enough reminder of just how pathetic she actually is.
Atoosa underminded the very foundation of SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE by allowing Hilary Duff to be their guest editor.
by dmfthksjvfgbasdfvsd December 14, 2006
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Having perfectly normal arms that are cute and that you should love
I love my Hilary Duff arms
by Okaybye😋 June 19, 2021
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when you eat some really good food.
Max- Bro that shit was Dupa Hilarious Eats.
Andre- We need to come eat here more often.
by Salamiboy69 June 26, 2017
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Hilary Daniel is a rare species. Their main food source is booty. Hilary Daniel's can be found in Kadina and are not located anywhere else is the world. Their mating call sounds like an ambulance but when they are horny and looking for booty their mating call sounds like a train. If you happen to come across a Hilary Daniel make sure to fart on it because it will become aroused
by 12234567890 June 18, 2018
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