A singer from Louisiana who I got beaten up and knocked unconsious for 4 hours for saying that I like her.
I'm not gonna stop liking her just because some twats beat me senseless
by Biddy February 7, 2005
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a super sexy lady fantasised my millions of females and males
OMG how fit is Britney?????

Shes almost as fit as Ms Spears!
by Bladesman May 4, 2004
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The best singer in the entire universe. Great acting skills and a hot body. Down to Earth. Great preformer. Funny and sweet. She is the POP princess and it's the original pop princes. People like Christina Aguilera and Jessica simpson try to be like her, but they will never be her. The most talented person on Earth.
When you go to her concerts you will not want it to be over. The best concert that you will see. Britney spears it totally the best.
by Lady89 March 22, 2006
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someone a lot of people diss, but if she told you to bow down before her and lick her feet, you would.
britney is so superior to us all that we should worship her as our goddess
by klop September 6, 2004
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A music/fashion icon of questionable talent who straight girls are jealous of, straight guys want to bang, and homos want to be. So what if she cant sing-shes got more money than god. Her baby is probably going to be a spoiled little brat, but i still love her.
It's hard to not be jealous seeing complete white trash like Britney Spears go shopping with her billions of dollars.
by lunchemz May 21, 2005
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When a man shaves the whole of his “manhood” to impress his partner but it freaks out the woman or man he’s having sex with.
Oops I did it again

“I just did a Britney Spears”
“I’m a slave 4 u”
“I’m gonna do a Britney Spears for u x”
by Pussaypatrolcummyb January 4, 2021
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