A form of footwear usually worn by people of gypsy origin, very shiny and with holes punched, also known as brogue's.
Usually worn with a checked shirt and greased back hair.
Dylan's got a new pair of gypsy slippers. He looks good in a brogue
by Ethnic Dragon February 7, 2018
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lady slipper is a collection of dirt roads with the occasional field and a bunch of bogs that you think are fields. Basically where the high school population of CB goes to drink... but it involves tents or sleeping in cars which is less than sweet.
Where's everyone going for May 24? Obvisouly Lady Slipper
by the guy from over there June 1, 2007
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A Crisco Slipper is when you sneak up on some while they're sleeping and put Crisco on their genitals.
I totally prank john last night I gave him a Crisco slipper and he didn't even wake up
by YungSyphilis March 4, 2022
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The accomodating pussy of a well-travelled and worldly Oriental lady, post coitus. Yellow on the outside, creamy on the inside.
That thai babe knew what she was doing, man! Just to say thank you, I gave her a banana slipper for her troubles...
by Bananarama Brian November 23, 2010
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someone who is a cozy sock and makes you feel warm but add a little bit of ~spice~
by patty rox November 16, 2020
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Another term for the female flower part. Some people might call it a meat waffle, vagina or moinch wallet
Littl billy: What's that between your legs mummy?
Mummy: that my Ketchup slipper you stupid twat.
by Moinch Man February 23, 2018
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