1. Put your hands together like in Catholic prayer

2. Have your eyes barely open

3. Blast some awesome music, like Metallica, All That Remains, Slayer, or Testament

4. Speed walk into your friends, who should be doing the same

5. PROFIT (Founded: 8/04/10)
I was listening to Testament and Slayer, so my buddies and I killed each other in a Catholic Mosh Pit!
by DyersEve August 4, 2010
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v. When at a crowded rock show, it is the act of using the area cleared for a mosh pit in order to maneuver your way closer to the front while simultaneously mimicking a desire to 'mosh'.
Bro 1 'Bro, I can't see the band from here, and this song is my JAM!'

Bro 2 ' Well, broseph. Why don't you use some mosh pit politicking to maneuver your way to the front of the venue so you can get a better view. You must act like you want to mosh, though. Otherwise dudes will know you're just trying get to the front, and they'll crush you!'
by xBobX October 12, 2009
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Usually seen at small to medium sized Christian schools. this is when you are at a dance and you see a group of prudish girls dancing with each other in a circle and or pretending to grind on each other and just acting like big dykes.
man someone needs to break up that lesbian mosh pit! Im gonna go in there and just start humping someone and maybe it will work.
by eggsalad88 April 26, 2009
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1. If your shoe falls off, you're done moshing. At least until the next song.

2. Don't look like a fool and predict a BD.

3. NEVER EVER mosh to the sound check.
3a. Or the in-between band house music.

4. ABSOLUTELY NO cross-leg two-steps.

5. No two-stepping during a circle pit.

6. No moshing with a drink or a cigarette in your hand.

7. Don't get in the pile up unless you know the words or you're trying to hit someone.

8. No girls. Duh.

thats all i can think of.
got more? leave a comment.
they gotta be foreal.
Kid 1: Yo dude, you broke mosh rules 1 through 3 you fuck, gtfo!

Kid 2: :(
by mannnnnnnnncomeon October 30, 2008
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I was watching this porn, and these two girls just started moshing grits. It was way cool.
by Rhymin Steve December 17, 2002
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type of mosh pit that only occurs at lany concerts
I wonder if there will be a chill mosh pit.
by wyzrd the lizard January 8, 2019
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When a group of highly agitated Midwestern concert goers continually bump into each other all while saying, “Ope sorry.”
Things got pretty out of hand at the Moose Lodge on Friday night when the band started playing a polka version of “Whiskey in the jar.” I almost lost my manners in that Midwest mosh pit.
by DickFingerDave September 3, 2020
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