When your easily irritated; easy to pick on
Man, shut up with your oily bones!
by cuzican16 May 16, 2015
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When you get high and feel it in your bones, body hight
Want to get bone buzzed? I’m so hight right now, I’m bone buzzed
by Pseudonymsteph September 2, 2019
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When one's penis curves abruptly during arousle, either to the left or right forming a ninty degree angle.
Dude, I went to geometry class today. the teacher showed us his Boomerang Bone!
by Piginablanket July 6, 2010
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Getting plowed so hard you get thrown across the room.
I can tell Caitlin was bone-thrown last night by her odd gait.
by vanmeterdeals March 17, 2019
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something chaswey's fans were saying during a live stream
viewer: i was boned in the morning
by SuperrMinmo November 1, 2019
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The state of a sock after being ejaculated into
I had so many sock bones to pick up in my sons room.
by Cdeezy69 June 24, 2022
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The abrasions received on a guys penis from the unwelcome friction created during a extended sexual encounter with a chick who has a not groomed her pubic area recently.
A problem that was more prevalent during the 1980's "untamed bush" era.
Hey bro. Did you end up dogging the chick I saw you with at the party the other night? Yeah man. We fucked like porn stars. I ended up with a case of Bone Burn that the medical journals would be proud to feature.
by Woody Stump December 5, 2016
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