A sexy boy who all the girls love and think is handsome.
I love Luca D
by Cutie800 August 31, 2020
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A nobody who craves monster energy and loves to claim hes not an emo.
A Lucas Morgan believes they own the world and nobody can stop them.
Lucas Morgan also believes that destroying lungs is not real and aims to smoke everything on the planet
Lucas Morgan is Gay
Lucas Morgan is sucking a willy
by john the big man June 10, 2021
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Big fat shit that eats anything it can see, also he is cypriet.
Oh look its a luca nicopoullos eating all our food!
by BenontheBus November 21, 2019
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A gay man who loves cock up the ass. Owns a nissan soccer mom car, and is a low life pos
Lucas harrold is a peice of garbage.
by Annonomouse12345 March 3, 2020
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The sweetest and most encouraging korean boy. He’s athletic, somewhat tall, and fun to be around. He’s different, he’s the perfect balance of mature and immature. <33
by twenty_9 May 8, 2023
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The guy that says he built/assembled a team of sharks with lasers on their heads, or something like that.
What the fuck was that Joyner Lucas guy talking about? I didn't notice anything about them that made me think of sharks, but he keeps insisting that they are sharks, and who knows what he might do to try and impress you.
by Solid Mantis May 12, 2021
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