1. Tucson Butterfly Vitamin: To wear a snazzy suit, while wearing a hat sideways with a girl named Natalie on the bed. Is most often called TBV for short, because saying it the long way is too obscure. TBV's happen very rarely in a person's life, but when it does happen, you immediately create a term on Urban Dictionary to immortalize it.

2. Tucson Butterfly Vitamins: (Plural)The term for what you get when you smear deodorant on your nuts.
"Boy you look very Tucson Butterfly Vitamin!" says a Natalie on a bed who would prefer to say TBV but can't because Urban Dictionary requires her to say it full length resulting in her losing cool points from her friends.
by Bob barker's younger brother December 3, 2007
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An other name for alcohol. If a beverage is high in vitamin crunk, then it could probably get you hammered.
Beer, wine, mixed drinks, vodka, eggnog, all of the above contain your daily dose of vitamin crunk.
by good things April 26, 2010
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Hamster vitamins : Vitamins made from parts of a hamster that are chewy yet have a slight punch of sliminess to it.
by City vocabulary May 19, 2022
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Used as a date rape drug, and the reason you shouldn't leave your drink unattended at a college bar.
Sarah: that creepy guy at the bar bought me this drink, I don't think I should drink it in case he slipped in some Vitamin R
by Jalif March 27, 2021
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LA Vitamin is supplemental for Xanax, or any of its generic forms.
“Your boss copes really well under pressure.”
“When she takes her LA Vitamins
by Shurn March 25, 2020
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