When two Jewish people die within the same week.
Thank god Vivian pays for Shiva Call Waiting or she'd never be able to address both deaths.
by icwish January 13, 2016
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The way that the USA makes fun of the rest of the world during the World Cup 2022 (or any differences between the US and the rest of the world) in which they say "its called soccer!", referring to the fact that the USA is the only part of the world that doesn't call the sport "Futbol." This is usually paired with the phrase "RAHHHH", or the bald eagle flying emoji.
by theaveragetiktokuser January 16, 2023
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What you eye-twinklingly protest when someone asks you "why you keep all dat junk around"; da joke, of course, is dat YOU YOURSELF are referring to said assorted flotsam and jetsam as being worthless clutter by calling it "trash", and so in effect you are agreeing wif da other person's contention dat you should get rid of said rubbish instead of having it around to clog up your closets and walkways.
I dunno da statistics for how many people who retort, "Hey! Don't call that trash 'junk'!" actually do clean out said jumbled mess anytime soon, but at least they are admitting dat they have a hoarding problem.
by QuacksO March 2, 2021
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Person A: Hey, would you like to have Call of Duty: Barack Ops on August 4?
Person B: No thanks.
by Twight0931 March 18, 2017
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A colloquial way of expressing one's desire to end the argument or story short.
The E: you've talked for 20 minutes and you've only gotten through two of your ten points. How much longer are you going to take?

The D: Well, to cut a rabbit in half and call it dinner, the gist of the story is that I had duck for lunch today.
by DeBen October 22, 2013
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