a soul entity discized as a wooden chair that its only purpose in this reality is to lure and confine childern to be scrambled and ingested into the entity to reproduce and create exact coipes of itself. This entity will only exist in you lonesome reality once you learn of its exact intent which I have stated in the past paragraph.
Child: Mum, why is there a chair sitting outside my window?

Mother: Son we need to go now it could be the Child Snatcher

Son: What's that?

Mother: No time to explain we need to go now.
by you must run chilld run now April 26, 2023
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Someone who takes someone else’s dog.
Courtney is a dog snatcher after taking Meg’s dog, give it back
by Owens wan kenobi December 11, 2022
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Usually the Head Roadie for a band on tour. The guys who snipe babes from the audience to go back stage and guzzle nuts.
Paul McCartney: Oye, I could really use a babe to guzzle my nuts right now, in't that right mate?

John Lennon: Well brother, just have Nigel -- our babe snatcher -- get some young lasses to fulfill your desires.
by Shwapsley May 5, 2008
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any female who deliberately goes on the pull to entice guys to turn back straight
I love this new gay bar there are so many fit guys round here. Oh no look out there is a hot girl over there. She must be one of those "closet snatchers"!
by Madmordigon May 21, 2010
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When you are doing a girl from behind, that hasn't shaved. You reach down and pull out a fistful of pubic hair as you climax, and shout with Glee!
Man, I bet she didn't expect me to pull off the screaming patch snatcher last night!
by Dustinj321 October 16, 2017
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The action of cumming in a girls mouth and making her say scoobys famous catchphrase and then proceeding to run after you tell them you had no condom just like the scooby doo gang
by Museorlose December 5, 2019
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Someone who steals YOUR ASSH0LE to distribute like puzzle pieces everywhere.

Your implication is nobody can FUCK YOU but I have to go around giving any kind of RIMJOBS.

The culprit shows their face.


Someone who ruined a horse race.
OK , ANAL ALAN fucking SQUIRT WEBSITE PEDOPHILE egotist had a PURSE SNATCHER put him in his place with NO MORE ASSHOLE.

Hey, that PURSE SNATCHER is making me PLEASE YOUR RECTUM SHIT EATING because I can never get MY ASSH0LE back it is too much of a LIABILITY.

Wait the damn. TRAFFIC LIGHT is RED and can't cross and I SEE MY ASSHOLE but the PURSE SNATCHER is showing THE ASSHOLE raising both his hands real high in the air and moving them them up and down hip hip hooray style as at first I follow BOTH ASSHOLES but HIS ASSHOLE is moving too FAST where in the future the PURSE SNATCHER predicts somebody's ASSHOLE is going to be READ.

If you have YOUR ASSHOLE STOLEN. the PURSE SNATCHER does not know one thing as to predict if you can steal the quality of the ASSHOLE SMELL as you think that disappeared in that JIG SAW puzzle and that is why both THE ASSHOLES had his hands SKY HIGH.

Hey you can't bet on this horse race with that PURSE SNATCHER around to ruin POST TIME.
by INSERT CAREFULLY September 14, 2021