An exotic motor is when a Hispanic is dancing so hard in the club their ass becomes a machine
Dude see that girl dancing? She's got an exotic motor right there.
by Angryduck October 14, 2013
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1. : A car;
2. (by extension): Any land-based motor vehicle.
Sometimes refers to both a motor vehicle and the driver and passengers of said vehicle.

From last-century american immigrants, short for motor vehicle.
Paulie: I don't know what Ralphie's tryin' to pull givin' us this motor. I want to show you somethin' about the good life, and you're drivin' somethin' my Ma could've bought twenty years ago.
Thomas Angelo: The car's fine - it's good to get a change from the cab.
Paulie: You don't have to be nice about it. This thing's a tin can.
by Comrade Vinny October 21, 2020
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slut who likes getting banged, simile of usual motor comes from this ' Ride wife Life Gud ' typically she's a motobike when u ride her that is the idea in turkish.
A: she said it's always fun
B: what a motor
by Vigilante Animosity October 30, 2022
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Name for toxic fans of the kpop group ENHYPEN. Original fandom name=ENGENE.
Toxic "fandom" name= MOTOR.
by Ariiboard November 4, 2023
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Umbrella term for the slow, stupid, retarded, autistic, brain-damaged or other indivicuals lacking in intelligence.
Fox news is directed at an audience of Low Motors.
by Berzerker71 April 9, 2010
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Very important thing that walks but it’s not alive
I need motor proteins to transport this
by Hi I like cheesecake November 16, 2019
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