A person that likes to sit behind somebody that is typeing on a computer and tell them what to type and how to type stuff. Pointing out errors and anything else.
"You missed a word there." "You forgot to capitalize that word." "You mispelled that word." "OMG THERE IS A RED SQUIGGLY!!! *gasp*"This is what a a backseat-typer is.
by Johnson_D November 16, 2009
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moving you're hands while moving your fingers when typing on a keyboard. you're only supposed to move fingers.
You're only supposed to move your fingers when you type, fake typer!
by Regan Borlik October 15, 2010
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A lazy typer is someone who doesn’t spell out words to the full extent
Lazy typer key phrases : You’re ; ur. What are you doing ; wryd .

Okay ; k. You ; u. I love you ; ily.
by Melissa Cox January 7, 2019
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An amazingly fun game you play to learn how to type well. Unfortunately, it kills your fingers.
"What's up with your fingers?"

"Dude, we played typer shark today."
by WelcomeToYourWorstNightmare April 24, 2010
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Someone who annoyingly waits to begin typing until they find all the letters in the word they want to type, then types them in a single, annoying burst. Gives the typer a false feeling of skill; irks observers.

Becoming consigned to oblivion as those who can't type are being weeded out with old age.
Stanly typed out the word 'irritating' so fast that he thought we was impressing everyone around him with his typing speed. In reality, everyone knew he was a fusillade typer and spent 15 seconds looking for the keys before he began typing.
by humbled by incompetence June 15, 2011
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People who talk like they are tough over the internet who are in fact cowards in real life.
Tough typers like wild_believer was acting very brave until I confronted him in real life.
by Dragonstrike! July 12, 2014
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A person who types like this

Hi I Am A Person Who Loves Cats And Guinea Pigs And I Hate Dogs
Why are people such Capital Typers?
by omgitsme23 August 28, 2017
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